Current and ongoing negotiations involving NZALPA are detailed below. For any queries related to negotiations, please email
JETCONNECT – Advocate Mark Dignan
The Jetconnect negotiation team met with Jetconnect management on 31 July and 1 August. The primary focus of those two days was to further the progress on rostered day off (RDO) definition and protections. Member feedback has indicated that the combination of the current collective agreement’s definition of a day (as ‘a period of 24 hours’) and the introduction of "back of the clock" flying to Jetconnect has negatively impacted quality and quantity of pilot time free of duty.
While increasing the number of RDOs has been a priority, the quality of these days off must be protected. Achieving a common understanding between the parties on this issue has been challenging. The point focused on by the NZALPA bargaining team is the impact of reserve duties immediately prior to RDOs, annual leave or days in lieu, where the pilot is expected to cover “back of the clock” flying. The team has worked toward a definition of a day as ‘24 hours from midnight to midnight’, along with restrictions on duty extensions beyond midnight into an RDO, annual leave or lieu day for reasons other than delay or disruption. While work on the interests of quality and quantity of RDOs continues, the pilot bargaining team believes both parties now have a significantly better understanding of the issue, and are closer to achieving an agreement in principle, and will continue work in the coming meetings.
AIR NELSON – Advocate Mark Dignan
Over the course of July and August, the NZALPA negotiation team met with Air Nelson management as part of the ongoing collective agreement negotiation. A number of meetings were jointly attended by the Mount Cook negotiation team.
The team worked on the core interests tabled by NZALPA:
- Work/life balance (e.g. time away from base)
- Accommodation provisions
- Allowances
Air Nelson management has now delivered an overview of a potential package for settlement. The content of this package is currently being presented to members for their input and feedback .
MOUNT COOK – Advocate Mark Dignan
The Mount Cook bargaining team has spent much of July and August meeting with Mount Cook management as part of their ongoing collective agreement negotiation. On occasion, these meetings have involved the Air Nelson negotiation team. The Mount Cook team also focused on the core interests tabled by NZALPA:
- Work/life balance (e.g. time away from base)
- Accommodation provisions
- Allowances
Mount Cook management has also delivered an overview of a potential package for settlement. The content of this package is in the process of being presented to members for their input and feedback.
AIR NEW ZEALAND – Advocate Adam Nicholson
The negotiation team is currently in preparation for negotiations scheduled to commence early next year.
AIRWAYS – Advocate Adam Nicholson
The negotiation team is currently in preparation for negotiations scheduled to commence early next year.
The VANZ settlement was ratified on Monday, 14 August. This concludes collective bargaining for this group of pilots.
JETSTAR REGIONAL – Advocate Adam Nicholson
The Jetstar Regional negotiations are continuing with the new NZALPA negotiations team. (As reported last month, members of the former negotiation team all found positions with other airlines and left the company.) Some progress has been made and negotiations will continue this month.