Member Assistance

Professional Standards Programme - (PROSTAN)

The Professional Standards Programme aims to set and maintain professional standards amongst NZALPA's pilots and air traffic controllers. It also assists in helping members resolve conflicts of a professional standards nature. This is done primarily through the provision of Professional Standards Volunteers, who help members address issues that have been historically left unresolved, which could lead to an undesirable pattern of behaviour developing. This behaviour does not meet NZALPA's standard of professional behaviour and could later result in more serious events and/or consequences for our members.

It is absolutely confidential, assigns no blame or punishment and is entered into voluntarily by the members involved. Matters can be referred to the Professional Standards Volunteer Group for possible resolution directly, either by one of the members involved or by a third party, who is concerned about reported or observed behaviour that falls short of our professional standards. Note that anonymous reporting is not allowed.

The programme is about pilots and controllers helping each other to achieve and maintain our Professional Standards. 

Pilot Professional Standards Booklet

Air Traffic Controller Professional Standards Booklet