Air Freight – Advocate Joy Walpole-Leva’a
The negotiating team had one more day of negotiations scheduled at the time of the Uplink deadline.
Air Nelson and Mount Cook Single Regional Air New Zealand Collective Agreement Project (RANCAP) – Advocate Mark Dignan
The NZALPA Regional pilot team received an offer document from the Air New Zealand team several weeks ago. On close review this differed in places from what the team had anticipated and the team has since been focussed on reviewing and working through this document line by line. This is necessary and appropriate for such an important document that is intended to form the basis of Air New Zealand Regional pilot employment (as an Air New Zealand employed pilot) for the foreseeable future.
Given these complexities, completion of the RANCAP Collective Agreement and transition documents is taking longer than the team had hoped, however, the team remains committed and is working hard. This ground breaking work has taken nine months to date, and is progressing well when compared to normal negotiations, which can often run for 18 months. The transition of two pilot groups, employed by two separate subsidiary companies, onto one collective with Air New Zealand as the employer, is a unique opportunity. We have no precedent to work from, in addressing its complexities and detail.
Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT) – Advocate Joy Walpole Leva’a
The negotiating team and the company are finalising the document which we hope will be ready to go out for ratification very soon.
Tasman Cargo – Advocate Adam Nicholson
Bargaining was initiated. With the resignation of the chief executive, finding dates for negotiations is taking a little longer than expected.
Helicopters NZ – Advocate Adam Nicholson
Negotiations are due to be initiated.