NZALPA’s Senior Technical Officer Dave Reynolds reviews recent
developments on the carriage of dangerous goods by air.
The regulation and carriage of
dangerous goods by air continues
to be a focus for NZALPA through
our Technical Sub-Committee and
our participation in the International
Federation of Air Line Pilots’
Associations’ (IFALPA) dedicated
Dangerous Goods Committee
We’ve also had long standing
attendance at the International
Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO)s
Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP). This
work, together with that on aircraft
security, cargo hold fire protection
and suppression, and our last level of
defence, airport RFFS, ensures that
we, our passengers and cargo arrive
safely at destination.
The DGP met recently at ICAO’s
Montreal headquarters. There was a
busy agenda of around 40 working
papers and 15 information papers
on topics including harmonising
international regulations, member
state oversight responsibilities and
dangerous goods training material.
Guidance material on lithium
battery carriage
The DGP presented an updated draft
of the lithium battery guidance section
in the ‘Supplement’ to ICAO’s ‘Technical
Instructions for the Safe Carriage of
Dangerous Goods by Air’ (Doc9284). This
is used mostly as guidance for states
to help in their oversight of dangerous
goods operations. The goal was to
align the material with anticipated
airline requirements for a risk
assessment on items carried in cargo
compartments and add an explanation
on the risks of portable electronic
devices in passenger baggage.
The proposal stresses the
responsibility of airlines to consider
the risks of lithium batteries in cargo
and passenger baggage. For example,
this would require that airlines should
consider the chemistry of the lithium
batteries likely to be transported on
their aircraft. This is resisted by the
International Air Transport Association
(IATA) which argues there is no way
an airline can know or understand
what type of batteries are contained
in passenger baggage or cargo (and
what the risks of each type are). We
strongly support the change, which
reiterates our longstanding position
that airlines are responsible for the
safety of their operations and need
to consider all of the risks associated
with items they load on their aircraft.
Passengers on all-cargo flights
The type and quantity of dangerous
goods allowed on a commercial
aircraft is determined by whether it is
a passenger or cargo flight, and the
dangerous goods regulations define
the terms passenger flight and cargo
flight. Unfortunately, the dangerous
goods regulations limit people on a
cargo flight to little more than the
required flight crew. So when there is
cargo onboard that is not allowed on
a passenger flight, current regulations
can be interpreted as preventing
commuting pilots, those on personal
travel and off-line pilots from being
onboard at the same time.
An IFALPA and IATA proposal to
limit who can be excluded by the
dangerous goods regulations, rather
than banning everyone other than
the flight crew, was discussed and
later adopted without amendment.
Its wording allows the carriage of
additional people on all cargo flights
in compliance with the provisions of
the state of the operator and who
have the permission of the operator.
This was a notable success.
Elimination of paper NOTOC
(notification to captain)
IFALPA does not support the
elimination of the paper form advising
the captain of dangerous goods being
loaded. This is because there could be
a reduction in safety levels as some
smoke and fire checklists de-power
electrical buses and might result in a
loss of electronic information when
it is needed most. In addition, a hard
copy is the only reliable way to get this
information to first responders in the
event of an incident and it enables
flight crew to hand over information
directly to those arriving at the scene
of an accident or incident.
IFALPA and IATA are separately reevaluating
what the NOTOC contains
and how it is conveyed. The DGP
agreed to wait a year while this work
is done, before reviewing the findings
and then re-considering the issue.
Data loggers and trackers
Data loggers and trackers record
conditions (such as temperature,
humidity, or location) and/or transmit
this information while a cargo is in
transit. They are often powered by
lithium batteries. These devices are
widely used in the pharmaceutical
industry and are becoming very
common in air transport. Until now,
they were regulated as ‘Section
II lithium batteries packaged in
equipment’. As they are in use during
transport and they are not the cargo
itself, there was a proposal to rewrite
how they are handled in ICAO’s
Technical Instructions.
Data loggers record data that is
downloaded after a package is
delivered. These typically, but not
always, use small button cell batteries.
Data trackers actively transmit cargo
location, and they can use significantly
larger batteries as the transmitters
are often of the type used in mobile
phones. The proposal identified that
radio frequency interference from
these devices is a potential safety issue
and stated that relevant operations
and airworthiness standards must be
complied with, however the DGP only
considered the risks associated with
the batteries in transport.
We objected to some provisions in
the original proposal that would have
allowed an unlimited range of devices
(not just data loggers and trackers) to
be used; with batteries up to twice the
size of a typical laptop. Additionally,
there was no requirement to ensure
the devices don’t get dangerously hot
during use.
The final draft limited the range of
devices to data loggers and trackers,
limited the number of devices to the
minimum needed to record and track
necessary parameters and stated
that the devices must not produce
dangerous amounts of heat. IFALPA
did not object to the final proposal
because it is an improvement on
the status quo, however it noted the
maximum allowed battery size was
still about five times larger than those
already in use.
Urgently needed medical device
A proposal to allow urgently needed
lithium batteries for medical devices
in small numbers on passenger flights
where there is no other practical
means of transport (including all cargo
air service) was accepted by the DGP.
The original proposal included some
extra safety provisions but imposed
only a ‘per package’ limit with no
limit on the number of packages on
a given flight; allowed shipments for
any medical equipment; and required
only the approval of the airline but no
state authority. Amendments reduced
the size of allowed batteries; limited
the number of batteries to four on
a single flight; added the need for
approval of the state of the operator;
and added the requirement that the
batteries must be urgently needed.
NZALPA did not object to the
proposal because it included
satisfactory safety precautions. We
did note however, that it would be
better to regulate to an appropriate
level of safety and not by end use
(i.e. medical applications). This
should be done by identifying the
means to transport items safely,
writing them into the regulations,
and ensuring everyone, regardless
of end use, complies with the
appropriate provisions.
Review of helicopter operations
NZALPA participated in a review of
requirements for helicopter operations
in relation to authorising carriers to
transport dangerous goods and the
requirement for dangerous goods
training. All carriers must now have
dangerous goods awareness training as
part of an effort to prevent undeclared
dangerous goods in transport.
Operators authorised to carry
dangerous goods must have approved
procedures and training in place to
safely transport dangerous goods.
Despite the progress made at this
DGP session, the panel continues to
regulate based on arbitrary criteria
rather than a consistent, targeted level
of safety. Many of its decisions are
driven by end use, current practice,
and other non-aviation safety related
issues. Through IFALPA, NZALPA is
taking every opportunity to point out
non-performance-based proposals
and argue that the DGP should be
regulating to one level of safety for
all commercial aircraft operations. To
achieve this Technical Instructions will
require major changes and this may
take years to accomplish. However,
ICAO’s creation of the Safe Carriage of
Goods Specific Working Group may
provide another avenue to create
dangerous goods regulations based
on the capabilities of aircraft and their
cargo compartments.
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