NZALPA’s IFALPA Director Tim Robinson reviews progress on better regulation for New Zealand aviation.
This year has been a real game
of two halves when it comes to
progressing regulation on two specific
technologies – one presenting
opportunity along with its initial
challenges, and the second a
technological instrument that has little
place in aviation – where it is used as
a dangerous weapon.
I’m talking of course about Remotely
Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) or
drone devices, and also the highly
dangerous practice of pointing high
powered laser technology at cockpits
and into air traffic control towers.
Beams get in your eyes
First the very frustrating. The Minister
of Transport is adamant that, despite
the continuing increase in the number
of laser strikes on aircraft, there is
no need to change legislation or to
look at increasing fines or custodial
sentencing as a deterrent. As
reported in Uplink and in national
media earlier this year, since 2014
there has been a 130 per cent
increase in reported strikes on aircraft
or into air traffic control towers.
Between 2014-18, 717 laser incidents
were reported, with main areas of
offending in Auckland, Hamilton,
Christchurch and Gisborne. Major
airports experience, on average, two
laser strikes a month. And it’s not just
civil aviation at risk. Emergency services
such as rescue helicopters and even
more in the last year, the police Eagle
helicopter, have also been firmly in the
cross hairs of thrill seekers possessing
high powered lasers and little regard
for the safety of our members or the
travelling public.
Increasingly New Zealand is becoming
an outlier internationally for its less
enlightened regulatory stance on
the use of these devices in aviation.
Scandinavian countries prohibit or
highly regulate their use, the United
Kingdom has increased penalties and
widened regulatory scope, and in
the United States, both the Federal
Aviation Authority (FAA) and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
takes such offences very seriously,
with fines up to $250,000 and five
years in jail. In New Zealand it remains
a summary offence and very unlikely
to attract the harshest penalty under
the Crimes Act.
In the meantime, NZALPA continues
to press the Government for laser
attacks to be taken seriously – raising
their status as an offence equivalent
to such acts as high jacking and bomb
threats, collectively known as ‘acts of
illegal interference’. In Parliament, a
member’s bill awaits its first reading
on proposed legislation which seeks
to at least increase the penalties
for such an offence, provided of
course, the offender is found. The
Government has already said it will
not support that Bill.
For NZALPA, nothing short of
complete prohibition of such devices
over 1mW can suffice. New Zealand
might be a signatory to the UN
Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons,
ostensibly during times of conflict,
but civil aviation at home is not
afforded the same attention – making
the Government’s inaction almost
as reckless as the laser-brandishing
offenders. This will remain an NZALPA
government priority in 2020.
RPAS safety and regulation
On a more positive note, NZALPA is
seeing the results of several years of
awareness-raising and government
lobbying regarding the regulation
and safety of RPAS or drones.
Finally, the Civil Aviation Authority
(CAA) is completely reviewing drone
regulatory settings and NZALPA is
actively engaging in the process with
Government and alongside a number
of other industry leaders.
At the heart of the review are the
current CAA rules and regulations
covering drones included in Part 101
(Rules when flying drones) and Part
102 (certification required for anyone
wanting to operate a drone outside
those Part 101 rules).
These are NZALPA’s presented
changes to the existing CAA
• Mandatory registration of all
drones weighing more than
250g or being used commercially
• Annual registration fees that
are appropriate and affordable to
users and operators
• Larger drones (more than 15kg)
required to have an annual
certificate of airworthiness
• Drone operators required to
carry out competency training
and required to have either a
safety certificate; a drone pilot
certificate; an advanced pilot
certificate or a commercial
drone pilot certificate –
depending on the weight of the
drone being used and the nature
of its operations
• Drones to have a unique serial,
bar or QV code or electronic
identification mechanism as
these become readily available
from drone manufacturers
• Minimum operator age of
16 years for drone regulation
• Accreditation process with
overseas equivalence accepted
for drone operators visiting
from overseas. This would be
accompanied by an online test
before operating a drone in
New Zealand
• Spot fines for breaching CAA rules
• Confiscation of drones and
banning of operators where
serious or repeat offending occurs
• Compulsory insurance for all
commercial operations and all
drone operations more than 250g
• Exemptions from all the above
provisions for drones classified
as model aircraft and operated
by an accredited Model Flying
New Zealand club member at
an approved/recognised site for
recreational purposes only.
Of course, New Zealand is not
alone when it comes to grappling
with RPAS technology and its rapid
uptake by amateur enthusiasts
and the commercial sector. There
are opportunities along with the
challenges, and this has not been lost
on entrepreneurs and those looking
at alternative public transport options.
Meanwhile, the European Union and
peak body industry organisations like
IFALPA, among others, have done
much to highlight urgent regulatory
measures needed to keep up with the
technology. NZALPA considers the
research it has done and its resource
investment in this issue to be one of
the highest priorities on behalf of its
members and its wider obligations
regarding the safety of the travelling
public. We consider our submissions
best practice and will continue to
push the highest and safest standards
forward through the next stage,
during the Government’s formal
public and industry submission stage
on the proposed draft Rule changes.
Although due process must be
undertaken, and effective regulation
still to be put in place accounting
for future technological innovation,
as a pilot flying this summer I feel a
little more at ease knowing that real
progress has at least been made to
more safely integrate drones into New
Zealand’s skies.
The FAA makes it easy for the public, pilots, air traffic controllers and others to
report laser strikes immediately through a custom app. The FBI is also involved with a
reward programme designed to identify offenders.
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