International Pilot Peer Assistance
A Peer Assistance Network (PAN)
New Zealand team recently joined
international colleagues in Texas
to discuss best practice in peer to
peer support.
PAN NZ Co-ordinators Herwin Bongers
and Mark Mehlhopt, PAN Co-ordinator
and Women’s Assist Lead Janet Taylor,
and NZALPA’s Medical and Welfare
Director Andy Pender were hosted at
the International Pilot Peer Assistance
Coalition (IPPAC) conference by the
American Airlines Peer Assistance
Team – Project Wingman.
IPPAC was formed in 2018 to bring
together the many programmes
working independently worldwide
and to increase awareness,
education and collaboration.
Conference delegates were briefed on:
• The impending crisis of mental
health issues correlated to the
mounting pressures of aviation
– no-one is immune.
• The latest mental health findings
on stress and addictions. There
are plenty of ways to “inoculate”
from the effects of mental health
stressors and these must be
investigated early on.
• Best practice forms of assistance.
When help is necessary, the tools
to offer that help need to be in
place already and easy to access.
This is where PAN NZ is so far
ahead of the game.
Project Wingman director, A320
Captain Charlie Curreri assembled the
who’s who of addiction support and
suicide prevention including Dr Patrick
Carnesa and Dr Sally Spencer-Thomas
to speak at the conference.
Having colleagues from the Australian
Federation of Air Pilots (Welfare
Director Matt O’Keefe and Peer
Supporter Troy O’Toole) in Texas
as well helped to further cement
trans-Tasman ties, ensuring NZALPA
members are covered from a PAN
and Critical Incident Response
Programme (CIRP) perspective on
both sides of the Tasman; seamless
coverage that NZALPA has used on
many occasions.
NZALPA’s attendance at the IPPAC
conference is very valuable for an
organisation such as NZALPA, which
has already experienced member
suicide through workplace stressrelated
issues. We know how severe
the impact can be and the more
knowledge and resources we have,
the better equipped NZALPA is to
support its members.
The website has
plenty of resources, but if members out
there reading this do nothing else, try
the link here
for an amusing self-check. If you find
the result is something that could do
with some help, PAN is a good place
to start. PAN also has the Women’s
Assistance Forum (WAF) for more
specific help for women.
L-R: Troy O’Toole (AFAP), Herwin Bongers (PAN), Matt O’Keefe (AFAP), Janet Taylor
(PAN WAF), Charlie Curreri (American Airlines Project Wingman), Mark Mehlhopt
(PAN) and Andy Pender (NZALPA Medical and Welfare Director).
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