Uplink ALPA - The Voice of Aviation

The New Zealand Air Line Pilots' Association Newsletter. As of April 2020 Uplink ALPA is a 6-monthly publication.

N95 masks for China ALPA

China ALPA (‘CHALPA’) recently reached out to the international IFALPA pilot body to request N95 medical masks sent to China, for use by CHALPA pilots, as protection against the fast spreading coronavirus outbreak. China is critically short of these masks at present.  

NZALPA generously sent 250 masks immediately to China with a follow-up of another 300. The masks were gratefully received by our colleagues at CHALPA and we were pleased that we could assist our China pilot colleagues in their time of need.  

From CHALPA representative Captain Tony Shen “NZALPA’s first 250 masks have been distributed to our members, who want me to express their appreciation to NZALPA on their behalf”.

NZALPA President Captain Andrew Ridling, Air New Zealand Admin Head Captain Craig Malcolm and Air New Zealand Council Member Michael Robinson with some of the masks heading to pilots in China.



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