Uplink ALPA - The Voice of Aviation

The New Zealand Air Line Pilots' Association Newsletter. As of April 2020 Uplink ALPA is a 6-monthly publication.

Air Traffic Controller (ATC) council confirmed, busy agenda ahead

Members of NZALPA’s Air Traffic Controller (ATC) Council have been confirmed and the new look 12-person line up has met to decide on their particular roles and responsibilities for the year ahead.

Newly-appointed ATC Director, Christchurch-based Jim Dunn said the Council had welcomed back several highly experienced members who have returned to again to lend their time and knowledge to the union. 

This return of established members into these governance roles is significant, Dunn said, as New Zealand’s ATCs and industry colleagues globally face a number of challenges due to unprecedented and rapid change. 

Members of the Council have their distinct portfolios relating to their interests and expertise.  These roles include technical, industrial, medical and welfare, and communications responsibilities. 

Dunn said that the major priority for the Council will be working more closely with Airways New Zealand management as it consults and looks to implement its 2028 Strategy, including the roll out of a new $58m ATM platform over the next four years. 

“NZALPA playing its part in how this ambitious strategy and new thinking is implemented will be essential to the project’s success.  Our membership represents the most important facet of any strategic implementation - its highly trained, experienced and dedicated workforce, “

“Now the new Council is in place, we’ll be organising  formal meetings with Airways management and, as well as working through the 2028 Strategy issues, we’ll be looking for further areas of common ground,”  Dunn said. 

Another priority for the Council will be to improve internal communications, between both the Council and ATC members, and also with the wider NZALPA membership.  

“Its essential that as well as working through issues, the ATC Council keeps our colleagues and the membership abreast of developments and decisions.” 

Twelve NZALPA members have been either elected or appointed to the council and these are: 

ATC Director Jim Dunn
Admin Head Greg Okeroa
Industrial Dave Mainwaring
Technical Kelvin Vercoe
Med/Welfare Scotty Herbert
Leave Bank Jason Robson
New Member Liaison Dan Woodhouse
Rupert Robertshawe
International Liaison Jeremy Thompson
Council Members
Mark (Spot) Wilson
  Tim Whitehead
  Mike Bishop
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