Uplink ALPA - The Voice of Aviation

The New Zealand Air Line Pilots' Association Newsletter. As of April 2020 Uplink ALPA is a 6-monthly publication.

Airshare - The Online UAV and Drone Resource and APP


Airways’ online unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and drone hub AirShare is going from strength to strength.

The website is a collaboration between Airways, Callaghan Innovation (the government’s hi-tech business support agency), UAV advocacy group UAVNZ and the Civil Aviation Authority.

It has a very broad target audience - it’s targeted at commercial operators, enthusiasts/hobbyists, suppliers - as well as retailers. It targets everyone with an interest in the devices, providing not just important safety and regulatory related information, but also (importantly in NZALPA’s view) - much needed training content and links to information about safe operation.

According to the government there are now around 77,000 drones in New Zealand and this number is expected to grow substantially. Current government estimates are that the devices are worth $7.9 billion to the economy.

Given these figures and the risks that the devices pose to aviation there has never been a better time for government and regulators to ‘get it right’ than now. The AirShare website and associated app are a step in the right direction.

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