Latest Media Releases
Report: Aviation Safety Conference 2016
May 18,
2016 3704 3704
A recent two-day Aviation Safety Conference has highlighted the regional safety challenges facing aviation safety professionals and offered an opportunity for us to share our views on the way forward, both regionally and globally for an industry supporting 58 million jobs globally and generating more than US$2.4 trillion in economic activity.
Hosted by the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Aviation Industry Association, the event attracted over 250 representatives from more than 50 civil aviation authorities, regional organisations and industry.
The range of issues discussed included RPAS/UAS cyber-security, airspace use and congestion, runway incursions and excursions and the shortage of skilled professionals – all of which are relevant to NZALPA and its members as well as those of our international umbrella organisation – IFALPA ( a representative of which attended the conference .
Read a summary of the conference here written by your IFALPA representative here.