We’ve reached the time of year when
many of us reflect and celebrate the
achievements of the past 12 months
before focusing on what we want to
achieve in the coming year.
NZALPA has much to celebrate in
terms of 2019 highlights.
Legal advocacy
During the year we negotiated an
unprecedented number of greenfield
collective agreements: Virgin
Australia NZ; L3Harris; Auckland
Rescue Helicopter Trust; Airways
Flight Services; Air New Zealand
Regional. We’ve also recently started
Tasman Cargo negotiations and
expect to start Air New Zealand
Simulator instructors before the end
of the year. Our industrial advocates
and their negotiating teams have
been extremely busy with these
and other collective negotiations
and have achieved some excellent
settlements. New advocate Rachel
Piriou barely had her feet under
the desk before she was involved in
negotiations with Helicopters New
Zealand. You can read more about
Rachel and other new NZALPA staff
serving our members HERE.
Ratification of the Air Nelson and Mount
Cook single Regional Air New Zealand
Collective Agreement – Pilots (helpfully
abbreviated to RANCAP) is not the end
of NZALPA involvement. We are still
working on the implementation of this
agreement, which will ultimately see all
turbo prop regional pilots employed
by Air New Zealand, rather than the
current subsidiaries.
Unfortunately, we also had to face
the cessation of Jetstar’s regional
Q300 Bombardier flights at the end
of last month, impacting around 50
of our members. NZALPA was there
to support those pilots throughout
the consultation process and we are
relieved that it looks like all of those
pilots will be able to take up new roles
within the group; which is the best
possible outcome.
Technical and safety
Our Technical department crafted
comprehensive submissions on the
Exposure Draft of the Civil Aviation
Bill, and liaised extensively with the
Ministry during its consultation phase
to ensure our views were understood
and, hopefully, will be reflected in the
new legislation.
Although it is the Government’s
intention to have the final Civil Aviation
Act passed through all stages of
Parliament during the third quarter of
2020, the Exposure Draft has not yet
gone to Cabinet as a draft Civil Aviation
Bill and it looks likely there will be
wider public consultation before that
occurs. While we are anxious to see
the new Act in place, it is an extremely
important piece of legislation and this
is a once in a lifetime opportunity to
get it right, so we are comfortable with
the process being followed and the
opportunities for input by us and other
industry interests.
Following the serious allegations of
bullying at the CAA, NZALPA offered
our resources to the CAA to assist it
in dealing with issues of importance
to aviation industry stakeholders. Our
offer was accepted by the Minister
of Transport and late last month we
met with Minister Twyford to discuss
progress on the Relationship Charter
drafted for agreement between
NZALPA and CAA. We want to ensure
the CAA is as effective as it can be given
the critical nature of its responsibility to
oversee aviation safety.
NZALPA also continued to lobby on
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
(RPAS) and lasers and you can
read more about our efforts in Tim
Robinson’s article on page 16. We have
also continued our active lobbying on
air traffic control staffing issues, pilot
supply and other issues of importance
to members and our industry.
NZALPA’s Peer Assistance Network
team received national recognition
at the Workplace Health and Safety
Awards as a finalist in the ‘Best
initiative to promote better worker
health’ category. The awards are now
an annual highlight for those involved
in the prevention of work injury
and ill health and our entry shone
through as one of more than 150
entries this year.
Our Membership Working Group
reviewed NZALPA’s eligibility and
membership categories as a
result of an action point from our
Conference 2018. The group’s draft
recommendations were recently
evaluated by a peer review team
made up of a selection of past and
current board members, honorary
life members, administration
heads and other volunteers. The
recommendations are now finalised
and are awaiting board approval
before being put to a member vote.
During the year we took over the
downstairs northern office at ALPA
House to create much needed
additional meeting room space.
Considerable time and resource went
into refreshing the Erebus website
(erebus.co.nz) in time for the 40th
anniversary late last month. NZALPA
hosts and maintains this website in
memory of those who lost their lives
on Erebus, the lessons learned and
the changes that resulted.
Coming up in 2020
A highlight for 2020 will be our
75th anniversary celebrations in
October. Preparations are already
well underway and we have sent
invitations to the Prime Minister,
the Minister of Transport and the
Leader of the Opposition to be part
of our celebrations. With a general
election sometime between now and
late November, we needed to get in
early. There will be more details on
anniversary events early next year.
We await the outcomes of the
independent review into culture
at the CAA, as well as the separate
investigation into allegations of
bullying, harassment and ineffective
leadership at AVSEC, the government
aviation security provider.
Our work programme for 2020 is
rapidly filling. We will be preparing
our next round of written and oral
submissions as soon as the Civil
Aviation Bill is introduced to the
House and proceeds to the select
committee stage.
We will also be monitoring the reform
of the Incorporated Societies Act, and
preparing written submissions once
the new Incorporated Societies Bill is
introduced to the House early in the
new year.
It will be another full-on year for
Happy holidays to you all. I hope you
get to spend some quality time with
family and friends.
<< Upfront with NZALPA President Guest Editorial - Hon Phil Twyford, Minister of Transport >>