November 28,
2019 1084 1084
28 November 2019
The speech by New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association President, Captain Andrew Ridling, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Mt Erebus Disaster.
This was delivered at a commemorative ceremony held on the anniversary at the Erebus Crew Memorial Gardens, Auckland Airport.
November 28,
2019 1599 1599
Wednesday 27 November 2019
The New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) has revamped the website to mark the 40th anniversary of the Erebus disaster.
September 25,
2019 1187 1187
25 September 2019
The New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) rapidly went into support Jetstar’s regional pilots following Jetstar New Zealand Regional Limited’s (Jetstar Regional) announcement today that it was proposing to cease those New Zealand based operations on 30 November.
June 26,
2019 1272 1272
26 June 2019
The New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) is offering its support and resources to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Transport Minister Phil Twyford as the regulatory body comes under increasing criticism.
May 24,
2019 1320 1320
23 May 2019
Changes to the way the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) manages safety inspections have been welcomed by the New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) but pilots are cautioning that these improvements must continue, not just occur in the wake of tragic accidents.
April 3,
2019 1374 1374
2 April 2019
After months of industrial action, an unresponsive employer, and an industry desperate for trainers, NZALPA tells of the frustration, delay tactics and minimal offers around top instructors’ expired employment agreement.
March 27,
2019 1393 1393
26 March 2019
New Zealand’s Air Traffic Controllers will resist any call to replace their colleagues in Fiji while the Fijians undertake action in response to unsuccessfully requesting to re-enter negotiations about their employment terms and conditions with their employer, the New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) announced today.
March 27,
2019 1210 1210
26 March 2019
The New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association is deeply saddened by the death of two pilots, including a member who was a much respected pilot and instructor.
January 17,
2019 1410 1410
16 January 2019
As the US government shutdown nears the end of its third week, New Zealand’s Air Traffic Controllers were among the wider membership of the New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) who reached out with messages of support to American colleagues – none of whom have been paid in the US since December 22, 2018.
January 11,
2019 1425 1425
10 January 2019
The New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) has concerns due to the increased numbers of New Zealand airspace closures recently.